
A knight in shining white shirt

This incident happened during last SWOTVAC. It was that very moment when my friends and I were about to walk out from Melbourne Central to chase for a tram. We just got back from Asam Event and it was raining heavily outside the building. Out of sudden, I got a muscle cramp on both legs that brought me to a static state. It hurts me so bad that I cannot even walk a step. There were some excruciating contractions of my calf muscles and at the foot muscles as well. That kind of cramp was very similar with my usual nocturnal leg cramps which can always lead me to a rude awakening at nights but only this time, it happened in the middle of the city where people were rushing their life out of it.

My friends were helplessly panic and so did I. Nonetheless, there was this cute local guy watching from behind. He’s kinda not too sure to help at first but when I screamed in pain, he then asked my friend, “What’s going on ladies?”. My friend told him about my cramp and without even touching me, he asked me to bend my knee forwardly and follow his instructions. I can sense that his behaviour reflects the fact that I was wearing a hijab at that time. I did exactly like he told me to but my legs still can’t be moved.

“Put your hand on my shoulder. Put your hand on my shoulder”. That’s all I can remember the moment he asked my permission to lift me up and bring me to a sidewalk bench with a help from my friend. I felt so embarrassed but I gotta hold on to my feeling as the pain really bugged me. 

So that’s pretty much it. And then my knight in shining white shirt left me on the bench with some good advices on how to cure legs cramp. “It happens all the time”, that’s what he said. What a gentleman.


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Anonymous said...



Ermayum said...

macam romantic lak cite ni, so sweet of him and so sensitip - mesti hensom kan heheh-
adoi u selalu cramp? i thought pregnant lady ja yang selalu cramp dear, i pun masa pregnant ja cramp - eat more calcium k :D take care